Having recently gotten engaged, I have a whole new
perspective on my job. It’s part of my job to read and look at bridal
magazines. But now that I’m looking at them as a bride, I started seeing things
I’ve previously dismissed: all the articles about hiding my figure flaws and
finding the right dress to hid my figure flaws. Yuck. Figure flaws. That does
not sound fun.
I don’t like the term ‘figure flaws’. In fact, it offends

Now, I understand that not all women are 100% in love with
their figures all the time. But figure flaws? That's just rude. It assumes
that it’s a given, it assumes the viewer doesn’t accept her figure. It assumes
there is something about the bride that is flawed and must be hidden. There are
so many beautiful women in the world, for what reason are we focusing on flaws?
And why do we even call them that?! What’s with the implication that having
curves or not having curves or being tall or short is a flaw? The only thing
inclusive in that kind of thinking is that we are all flawed. This is just an observation
but even women that don’t look like Gisele are beautiful.
Your figure isn’t flawed.
There might be things you love about your figure more then
other things. Okay. So instead of calling the things you like less ‘flaws’, can
we all agree to discuss instead the things you want to show off, the things you
love? I’m completely in support of finding the dress that works for your body,
we all look and feel better in some things then other things. Let’s talk about
what you feel awesome wearing. Do you feel like Joan Holloway when you wear a
pencil skirt? Fantastic! Do you feel feminine and sexy in a ball gown? Fantastic!
Let’s start there.

I’ve had well-meaning friends suggest that I wear a padded
bra to my wedding, thinking I guess that a padded bra would create some kind of
cleavage. Um, I don’t have cleavage, with or without a padded bra. I know this
kind of discussion comes up among friends even if there isn’t a wedding coming
up. I would just like to suggest a different perspective in this conversation.
My fiancé knew what I looked like when he proposed. He accepted me ‘warts and
all’, as the saying goes. I would like to suggest that yours did too. And
wouldn’t this whole process be more fun if the conversation was about what
makes you feel the most beautiful? And happy?

Women of all shapes and sizes and backgrounds fall in love
and get married everyday. Love doesn’t discriminate against different bodies
types. Wedding dresses shouldn’t either. Love is inclusive. Dresses can be too.
I saw a quote in the April issue of Vogue from Alber Elbaz,
the fabulous designer of Lanvin in Paris that said, “When I think of women, I
don’t think of size or age, I think of beauty.”
I say yes, of course, exactly! And thank you.
love. you are beautiful, inside & out. xxxxxx