So he mentioned to me that he's just read an article about the Oregon-ization of the country. This article about the Artisanal movement seems to be growing across the county. (The article is here if you're interested.) Apparently my goal of having a Portland lifestyle in Brooklyn (or anywhere else) is not just mine. This idea of having something unique and hand made instead of mass produced is growing in popularity. Hallelujah. It's true I grew up in the DIY-er's corner of the country, where people remodeled their own houses and made their own jam from the local berries. We didn't call it Artisanal back then, but this idea is very ingrained in me. Now when my family gives homemade jam or liqueurs for holiday gifts it feels like pure luxury. It's beautiful to see it spreading around the country.
After working in the corporate fashion industry I missed the world of making only a few of something and working directly with the person that was buying the dress, bag, pants or hat I was making.
So this is why I left my full time job to start my studio, to work with the people that want something handmade. It feels like the next step to being challenged as a designer and to try to live in a more sustainable world. Apparently I'm not alone. Hallelujah.
amen, phaedra! thanks for spreading your talent and creativity too. and, as for a/c... it NEVER gets this humid in oregon. whew!