There is always a newness to fall, maybe after years of new school years and that crisp new-ness that fall weather brings, the relief after a hot muggy summer.
And this fall there is lots of new-ness going on in my studio. Namely, I'm moving! I'm not going very far, 2 floors to be exact. But my new space will have a different view, more windows, a new color palette and more space. I don't move often since I love where I live, but I do love the opportunity to stir up my work and living spaces. I'm really excited! (I've been day dreaming of having these rooms on any floor in my building for YEARS!)
And with the beginning of October comes thoughts of Halloween and all the holidays that follow . . . So I'm putting together my list and sketches of things to make as gift ideas. . . is there anything you'd like to see? Warm winter hats? Party dresses? What do you fancy for this fall?